Friday, November 14, 2008

Love In The Modern Age

Here we have a piece from writer Jennifer Caddick, exclusive to TheArtistocracy. A take on the process of finding, experiencing, and maintaining love in a fast paced society. It's a delight, enjoy the read.


Jimmy sits next to me speaking sticky prophecies and taking one last hit. My lazy eyes silently flirt with him, facetiously testing how long he will talk without pulling a reaction out of me. He is so high tonight he doesn’t even notice my games.

I grab a red-tipped bottle of wine from between his crossed legs. Half a bottle left. I take a swig and bite my lip. We can only afford a $2 bottle, so it is pretty harsh. I sit on the floor and listen to how Vincent Gallo’s voice drones on beautifully in the background with his wonderful way of making the room feel fuzzy.

“Goodnight, baby… sleep tight here with me … we can lay in the bed, you and me … and I wont go away or leave you alone…”

I remember this song makes me cry even when I am happy. I take another drink to wash down the lump in my throat and stick the bottle back in the crook of Jimmy’s leg. He is still yammering away about the world. I lie on the wood floor of his room and stare at his face in the fluffy, peach candlelight. I love his eyes. But not in the way most people love eyes. I love them because they are soft and sad. His eyes feel the sadness of the world. I can see the hurt in the depths of his black pupils.

It scares me how attracted I am to this boy … this sweet, intense boy who wears a gold crown ring on his finger. He thought he lost the ring once. As he scoured the house I sat on his couch and meditated until he fished it out of the bottom of the washing machine. I told myself I helped him find it … or at least I summoned some type of higher power to help him find it. After he told me that the ring had been his late father’s wedding band.

Suddenly, I notice he is staring at me. I sit up halfway, propping my back up with my elbows.


“It is just crazy that it is you … here with me right now”

“ Yeah, I know, but now that we are here, I can’t imagine us not being like this with each other.”

“I know…”

I press my bare back onto the cool boards of the floor and shut my eyes. I can feel the wine in my blood. Jimmy sits next to me and runs his hand along the ridges of my ribcage.

As he touches me all I can do is wonder why people lie to each other. We say we will always be honest, but it’s easy to say that when we are caught up in each other. It seems like it used to be so much easier for people to meet, get married, have children and still be in love 50 years later.

I sigh and think of my grandparent. They fell in love in Ecuador when they were just 19. My grandfather, a farm boy from South Dakota, was a Marine stationed at the American embassy and my grandmother, a wealthy, Ecuadorian girl, just so happened to catch his eye while he was on a break. My grandfather still remembers the yellow blouse she was wearing as she invited him over for tea. And now, after 52 years, they still fall asleep holding hands while they are watching TV on the couch.

Is it living in an age full of Internet dating, fast food, Tivo and reality shows that makes us incapable of being interested in someone for more then a few months? Instead of actually engaging ourselves in society, we double click an attractive face on the Web to see if they too like Mexican food and The Beatles. Instead of sitting down for dinner, we cruise through Taco Bell and scarf chicken soft tacos. And instead of talking to each other we flip on the TV and watch that episode of “Rock of Love” we missed.

It is easy to blame society and the media, but we need to recognize that we must take responsibility of our failed relationships. We consume love, or at least the idea of what love should be, and then defecate it out after our bowels become so disgruntled by us actually having to listen, respect and be honest to someone else, that we can no longer maintain a relationship that requires us to sacrifice being completely selfish. Then we start the whole process over again by signing up for, going to the gym or drinking. Is it possible to stop the churning machine that grinds love into tiny bits of bloody, word vomit? Or are we destined to continue spewing out programmed “I love yous” every few years to a person we know will fade away into a paradise lost?

I have personally gone through the cycle a good three times. My first real relationship occurred when I was 16. He was a control-freak who managed to manipulate my whole life to revolve around his. I was sucked in to believing he was a God and that I needed no one else in my life but him. Luckily, I was able to be slapped back into reality and realize that I was becoming his personal robot. I finally was able to work up the courage to end it. That was probably one of the scariest things I ever had to do in my life.

Then I met a boy who was the complete opposite of scary. He epitomized everything cute and sweet with his Eeyore eyes and playful imagination. But his refreshing innocence eventually lost its charm and I could see him for what he really was- a little boy who still needed his mommy to do everything for him. I discovered I couldn’t be his caretaker. I wanted someone who didn’t just want me, but wanted to care for me.

I thought I found that person a few months after the breakup. He was laid back, liked to party and liked me for me. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have finally found a guy who genuinely loved my personality as it was. It turns out I wasn’t so lucky. After two years, this person, the person I trusted with everything, ended up being a complete fake. He had cheated, lied and manipulated … and I had fallen for it. I told myself I was done with love. Done with it forever. Well, until I met the boy with the crown ring …

My heart pounds as I watch Jimmy’s fingers slide over my powdery white skin. I secretly repeat to myself that he would never lie to me. We are different … right? I get up and sit on the brown comforter covering his bed. He smiles at me from the floor. He likes when I wear his red plaid pajamas. He begins to sing as he smiles into my eyes. Jimmy always has a song in his head.

“Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake. You're going to walk the plank again …”
I like the way he sings “plank.” He flicks his tongue when he says certain words. He picks up the bottle of wine and hands it to me while he continues singing. I giggle, but it isn’t the alcohol; it is because he genuinely makes me blush with his cute gestures. I gulp the rest of the bottle. I peer through his white, wooden blinds and see that it is raining. His dogs are happily rolling and digging in the mud. I have an urge to do the same thing, but instead I look back at Jimmy and tell him to get into bed.

“Do you think you will ever leave me?”

“I don’t ever want this to end in any typical sense.”

I like hearing him say that. The music has changed to “The Virgins.” I laugh as I scratch Jimmy’s beard.

He told me once that his last girlfriend hated when he wasn’t clean-shaven. all the time. My last boyfriend hated when I drank, I think that was because he hated himself when he drank. I wonder if Jimmy’s ex hated herself? I hate myself sometimes, but I still would never force someone to stunt their personality into something easily manageable to make me feel better about my shortcomings.

People seem to forget they fall in love because they are attracted to the original qualities the other person exhibits. It is interesting how those same qualities are usually what cause couples to end their relationship. They become more and more self-involved and concerned with being comfortable that any slight quirkiness that they haven’t already beaten out of their significant other becomes a sign of how different they are and, yet, another reason to break it off. What people need to realize is that those differences are what creates beauty and inspiration.

That’s why my grandparents found such lasting love- they had less distractions. They had time to discover, not only each other, but life's mysteries as well. They had to focus on real issues, or they wouldn’t have been able to be together. My grandparents’ love was forbidden. Her mother prohibited her from marrying a jarhead and the U.S. government would not give permission for a marine on duty to get hitched. They secretly pledged their love at a civil ceremony. Once her mother found out of their marriage she was furious. My grandmother was not allowed to see her husband until they had a wedding in a church. Eventually a small service was held and the teens were allowed to be together. Today, this same situation would have many onlookers whispering, “I give it three months.” But, for my grandparents, they recently celebrated their 50th anniversary in Hawaii.

I snap myself out of my obsessive thoughts by biting Jimmy’s shoulder as hard as I can without breaking the skin.

“Dammit, Jenny! That hurt!”

“Sorry … I just wanted to make sure this was real.”

I bury my body in the tiny space between his side and his arm, playfully pouting. I can feel him grinning as he outlines my chin with his pinkie. My lips curl up with foggy contentment. Never have I felt closer to a person in my life. I don’t even care if this is going to last - I can’t quit it yet.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Riviting Reads: With McCain's Health in Question, is Palin Eyeing for the Top Spot, and How Desperate Will She Get in Hopes Of Getting It?

I have often questioned McCain's health and the fact that the topic is constantly swept under the mat and filed under "irrelevant". Here is a great opinion piece, by the NYT's Frank Rich, about McCain's well-being, and whether or not his running mate is indeed vying for the top spot.

Palin's desire to become the country's lead heroine is clear, from beauty pageant ambitions in the 80s, to the accidental verbal slip-up of declaring this as the Palin/McCain administration last month, instant celebrity with little toil is obviously her preferred method.

In the coming weeks I'm interested in seeing how desperate and venomous the attacks will become, and after seeing today's headline of "Palin connects Obama to 60's terrorist radical", I guess I wont have to wait very long. Converse.
(Image from

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Designer Thomas Feichtner's Filio Ring

Feichtner's ring is hollow and made out of steel. It resembles a geometrically cut gemstone. This blog is getting really design-oriented lately. I promise more politics and all around crazy republicaness this weekend.

Oh, The Spanish Moss interviewed in the OC WEEKLY

Artistocracy contributor Tom Madden and his bandmates Ian Caddick and Jason Tennies were interviewed by The OC Weekly this week. 

It was a cheeky time, chalk full of some belly laughers. 

Give it a go by clicking here.

and download there ep off their myspace page.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Night Vision 2.0

When I was 18 I worked like a slave in my ex-girlfriend's father's hellish warehouse. In the mundane month spent there, my job was to fold and box his bogus night vision goggles. Not only did I suffer numerous paper cuts, get food poisoning from the food truck while my ex-gf's Dad went out to lunch without an invite(way to show me the values of hard work douche), but I also had to listen to his annoying brat son (who appeared as Jared the cougar-loving twit on Housewives of the O.C.) spew never-ending nonsense.
Oh well, story short, the Dad was later arrested for beating his wife after his affair with S.F. Giant's pitcher, Barry Zito, sister was exposed. His son also recieved two D.U.I.'s that summer and was rewarded with a Desert Eagle Handgun for his 21st birthday.

Gotta love republicans!

Oh, I almost forgot--these are called the Cyclops and they are pretty insane.

Handsome Furs on Practice Space

It's old but cool. Canada's best electronic/rock band. enjoy.

Monday, September 29, 2008

New Chrysler side company introduces the Peapod

A company called GEM, which was founded by Chrysler in 1999, debuted an Electric car called the Peapod recently. The zero-emissions vehicle will be put into production next year and will come complete with ergonomic seating and I-pod integration. 

The car will have a 30 mile range per charge, with a top speed of 25 miles per hour. Recharge time is 6-8 hours. 

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. 

Airport Security Fun!

We all know that going through Airport security(especially the intellectually inept one at LAX, that seemingly only hires screaming jerks that find speaking at the decibel level of a Who concert normal) is a tad frustrating.

That's why artist Evan Roth is currently creating pieces, that when placed in carry-on luggage and scanned, give the guards a change from the normal vibrator/whip and chain set that's normally seen in most Republican Senator's baggage.

Truth Be Told At The Pump

This is right up our alley, a little political protest through truth.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ksubi designers mix into the music world

Artistocracy Contributor, Jennifer Caddick, wrote this fine piece for BigShotMagazine on the men of Ksubi, and their entrance into the music scene.

Convergence is taking over son.

Read it here

One big ass fumigation job

So, S.Palin may not have much international experience, but she sure is training on being able exterminate the world's creatures. A requirement in every republican administration, apparently.

The Governor is involved in a campaign to exterminate a rat infested island off of Alaska with Dog-food sized poison and a crew of 18 of the most intelligent exterminators Alaska has to offer.

In an official document from the Governor's office, one of our favorite blogs,, pointed out the greatest portion of the document

When reading I remind you to remember these are rats she's talking about, not Iranians, North Koreans, or Gays.

"Rats are highly effective as invaders: They are secretive, intelligent, and reproduce at very high rates. They are also ravenous predators that eat the young, eggs, and sometimes adults of birds and other small animals. Well known as carriers of serious diseases in humans, rats are also responsible for diseases that can adversely affect wildlife and, potentially consumers of those wilflife species."

After this it's pretty hard not to be for the Palin/Johnny McCain Administration :)

Yo-Yo Charger for 3G I-Phone

Here we got a neat little gadget. A Yo-Yo that charges your I-phone with just 30 spins.

Check the video.

Treasure Island By 2020

A former Navy Base transformed into earth-friendly island, consisting of homes and businesses that recieves 50% of their energy from renewable sources.

The island is located in the San Francisco Bay(Of Course), and will be completed by 2020.

Read Here for more.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Watching the lawn cut itself is now possible

I imagine many people have parents who've said "go cut that lawn, it aint gunna cut itself"(fortunately my Father always felt lawn maintenance was a job opportunity for someone so I never had to)...But now generation fat camp can say "Screw you guys, I bought this thing on the internets, from some far off land(South Korea), from some website thingy that you'll never be able to filter"...

--Cut To: shot of parent turning head and seeing the lawn cut to perfection, child eyes glazed over playing spore...

Tub Spins into a Shower

My girlfriend and I stayed in the Palms Place Tower last month and it was modernly decadent.

Only thing that could've made it better would've been this.

Bathe and then spin to wash off all the dirt soup you've pruned up in.

Another Reason Why This Man Should Be Our President

Because, he's clued in with pop culture so much that he agrees to be photographed with(not just by) Terry Richardson.

I know Terry shoots everyone for big cash mags, but seriously it's hard to imagine McCain even being in the same elevator as Terry, let alone being shot by him. I mean this is the same guy who takes the occasionaly menstrual pic now and then.

Cheers Obeezy

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ever wonder how one could make a bike out of yarn?

This site is my newest, obsession,
They teach you how to do everything from making your own USB drive to consumer reviews on electronics. Its for the inner geek in us all.


Oh, The Spanish Moss Plays the Derby and Becomes The Artistocracy's Favorite Band

Oh, The Spanish Moss, filled The Derby's VIP Room to near capacity last week as the Californian-based rock band ran through their set with much fervor. They were everything one expects at a rock concert, but infrequently receives. They take from their Los Angeles neighbor's, No Age's, foundation of having their drummer take lead singer responsibilities, but for what No Age lacks in skillfulness, Oh, The Spanish Moss makes up for, and actually surprises, with raw loud songs and sing along melodies. Their "Till All Hours" takes from the Raconteurs' recipe of success, while their "Favors Are Simple" starts off gently before crashing into a soulful ditty that's as much McCartney's Ram as it is Cold War Kids. Oh, The Spanish Moss also knocked out the Derby crowd with their ear-piercing "Coal Black Lungs", which clearly ranks Lead Guitarist Ian Caddick up with the newest crop of young guitarists who can take it to the next level. I saw a band who I know I'll see again(and enjoy it immensely).

I am Back!

Sorry for the communicado breakdown, but after a month I am back with a week filled with free music, political blunders and the occasional artistic betterment.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Randy Pausch Passes Away

Professor Randy Pausch has lost his battle to pancreatic cancer.

The Professor who dedicated his final academic lecture to his family, did so in effort to leave a legacy behind for his young family to remember him by. 

This passing strikes countless personal chords, and reaffirms that every being should strive to make their heaven while here on earth.

You can view Professor Pausch's lecture by clicking HERE.

No, no, no...Thank You, Ms. Thomas...

A couple years ago, while vacationing in the nation's capital, my parents had the privilege of meeting purist journalist Helen Thomas. 

As she stepped into her cab, she instructed my parents to not let this President take their son to any of his bloody personal endeavors, to which they agreed.

Fine advice from a mouthpiece of civility, and quiet frankly made me what to hug the ol' lass. 

Well, Filmmaker Rory Kennedy has directed a biographical piece on Thomas, who has covered every president since JFK. 

We will be watching it on HBO come August, and so should you. 

Click here for info and trailer. 


Sorry, its been slow around here, I know Bob Novak hit a pedestrian with his ultra-bitchin corvette, I know Barack is in Berlin, I know a lot of things...but what's most important in the hottest months of the year is beer. Luckily, for us we have The Artistocracy's Ricardo Zafra to give us the lowdown in this week's "Ricardo's Brew Review".

Keeping up with the summer theme I chose to review fruit flavored brew. Despite all those horrible Miller Lite ads. don’t worry, fruiting your beer is quite fine... besides it’s the only decent thing that comes out of that horrible brewery is MGD.

First brew on the list is Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat. At first sniff this Samuel brew had a very robust aroma. It definitely smelt of cherries. This cherry wheat has a clear golden color and is very carbonated. The first couple sips were reminiscent of a cran-apple cider at thanksgiving... which can be good if you’re a wanker or a woman looking for something to drink. Me and my best mate tried to savor and enjoy this brew but after a while it started to taste of cough medicine and quite frankly it made us somewhat nauseous. It is a fine beer if you plan on drinking one a night... ice cold... but at about $8 a six pack I suggest to pass on this one.

Second brew on the list is Sea Dogs very own Blue Paw Blueberry Wheat Ale. Out of the gate Sea Dog has got everything right. A nice golden color highlighted this brew. You could smell the blueberries as if you were walking through a blueberry patch. First sip of this brew had me thinking that the good people at Sea Dog Brewery packed a midget into every bottle with a blueberry flavored boxing glove to greet you once had your first taste with a good old punch to the teeth. The taste was definitely robust but in a good way. Anyone with proper taste buds could drink this all night. This brew is priced around $9 dollars a six pack but trust me it’s all worth it.

Final brew on my list for the night was Pyramids Apricot Ale. Now this was a true ale. It was the only one of the bunch that was cloudy... because of the yeast of course and it is unfiltered! It had a pleasant aroma. If you were to eat a piece of dried apricot and drink this fine ale you would not be able to tell which was which... well except for the fact that one is solid and the other is liquid. This ale is medium bodied and extremely easy to drink. It can be found reasonably priced from $6 to $8 a six-pack. Be on a look out for twelve packs on sale for $9. It’s a steal.

That is this week with some more brew that fits the season perfectly. As always... don’t be afraid to spend a little cash to drink a good brew and if you don’t like it, well at least you tried something different. Life’s a gas and you might as well enjoy it.

Cheers mates. Be on the look out for budget week.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ghostly Int'l Pod on Current

From teaming up with Adult Swim to making Detroit move for many years, Ghostly has become quite the interesting company. Expect much more from this groundbreaking label, as indie continues to mesh with electronic.

Here is a great pod done by my pal TKDISKO, from Current Tv, give it a gander.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Music This Week

Last week, we here test drove Albert Hammond Jr.'s sonic treat and must admit we were mightily impressed.

Well, thankfully (for the both of us), Railcars keeps the eartastic fun rolling with their new EP Cities Vs. Submarines.

Now for some history.

Lead singer, Aria Jalali, has been somewhat of a digital companion of mine for awhile(along with his 28,730 other Myspace friends) and has blessed us with a new heavy dose of crackling guitars and toy keyboards, all in effort to acquaint us all with his "most vivid and reoccuring dreams."

A mixture of Velvet feedback and Sigur Ros' rhythm, the band notorious for blue Vinyl's and free condom giveaways really matures from laptop band to something grand.

The EP, along with their upcoming album, was produced by Jamie Stewart from XIU XIU, but their indie-cred doesn't stop there. Back in April, the band toured with Wolf Parade side project, Handsome Furs to the delight of many of The Artistocracy's Bay Area friends.

Railcars is a must listen, "their is ice it is blue" and "bohemia is without a sea", will get yer toes wiggling for a summer crunkfest.

This has been this weeks installment of Music This Week, go take a gander and support your artists.

For Railcars Myspace Page click HERE


The Artistocracy contributor, Ricardo Zafra, delights us with the first installment of Ricardo's Brew Review. Enjoi.

Being that the weather is warm and those halter-tops and short-shorts are making their summer appearances, I found it only fitting to review some brew that fits the season.

First beer on the list is Pyramid Brewing Company’s Imperial Hefeweizen.

This Hef. has a nice hazy, amber color. It has an aroma that is both yeasty and citrusy. That being said it is also a beer that tastes much like it smells... and in this case, delicious! Imperial Hefeweizen is a medium bodied beer that goes down easy as many other hefeweizens do but it boasts a 7.5 percent alcohol content, which many other hefeweizens don’t. Make sure you drink it cold and finish it while it is still cold otherwise the flavor becomes a bit bold, and if you’re new to the beer drinking scene you just might be scared away. It is sold a single 22-ounce bottle and costs around $4. It was nice to discover a beer that had a high alcohol content but didn’t taste like absolute rubbish. After a few of these, those gal pals of you associate with (who are dogs) will definitely become a lot better looking.

Next brew on the list is Samuel Adams Summer Ale. Now I’ve had my differences with Samuel and his Boston Lager, but I can put that aside now. Their tasty Summer Ale is brewed with lemon zest and grains of paradise. Using an ingredient called “grains of paradise” made me think that this ale should have a pretty impressive flavor. Impressive flavor is exactly what this ale has. It is tangy, crisp and very refreshing. It has a nice cloudy, golden color and has a pleasant aroma. Of course the price of this summer ale varies from place to place but it usually runs anywhere from $6 a six-pack, to $15 for a twelve pack. It’s just a matter of knowing where to buy your beer.

NEVER go to a supermarket for craft brew or imports unless you know what you want will be on sale. Summer Ale is light, easy to drink, and perfect to pair with all your favorite BBQ foods.

Final brew on the list is Blue Moon’s, Honey Moon Summer Ale. Blue Moon Brewing Company has yet to disappoint me and when I picked up Honey Moon I had very high hopes for this beer. This beer has a golden color and smells a tad bit sweet. Also, Honey Moon wasn’t just a cute name picked out for this seasonal specialty, it‘s actually brewed with Madhava clover honey from Colorado and orange peel. At first taste, this beer did not shock me. After it went down was when the full flavor came out. Honey Moon is very smooth and you can taste how the honey adds to the unique flavor after you take a few sips. Its sweetness makes it the perfect balance to enjoy with spicy foods. Blue Moon Brewing Company is a smaller brewery than our old friend over in Boston, so they’ll charge you a little more for their product but you won’t be let down. Six packs of Honey Moon start around $8 and twelve packs can be as high as $16.

That’s it for this week and the brew reviews. Instead of picking my personal favorite of the bunch I’ll leave it up to you. Don’t be a wanker and be scared to spend some cash on beers you’ve never had. We all know the saying “You have got to spend money to make money.” In this case “you have got to spend money to find a good beer” or at the very least spend money to get drunk.

Until next time, cheers mate.

*This column can also be found on here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Must be in the water

So the Huffington Post posted a entertaining mixtape of former Fox Host Laura Ingraham getting a little testy with her incompetent staff. 

Which lead me to ask, how many videos are there of Fox Host's losing their cool? Maybe the corporation is run by complete morons, and the hosts that we hate so much are really just the way they are because of their dwarf-brained staff. 

Nah, too easy, they are most likely just complete bastard beings as well. 

Enjoy the video here. And for some vintage Bill-O visceral gassing click here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Banksy's Identity Revealed?

According to one of my favorite Blogs,, street artist Banksy's identity has been revealed. 

Now I know he looks like every other caucasian 40-year-old in England...shocking. Props on the Bono glasses however.

Either way, its a slow day here at the Artistocracy, I might have to resort to posting political news if things don't pick up. 

Dont Drink and Zoo

In Ukraine, a drunken man was torn to bits by bears after he fell into their open-air cage while trying to snap some pics of the cute cubs...While obviously a lousy photog, he apparently was also drunk during the event. 

Read about it here.

Thanks to Ricardo Zafra for the contribution. 

Friday, July 11, 2008

Ron English Does it Again

Ron English pokes(don't excuse the pun), some fun at old carny hands. Remember when(probably not) McCain voted for a law that would allow insurance companies to cover Viagra costs, but not birth control? 

Well at least we know he doesn't act out of personal interests right?

In Keeping up with the 08 Olympic theme...

Coke has been winning design awards left and right with their new bottle, delivery trucks, and can redesigns. 

And in an effort to celebrate the Olympic games in an artful manner, they have commissioned artists to commemorate them with some limited edition bottles. 

Take a gander, here.

What do you mean you're not serving any dog meat?!?

So with all the things China should change about itself, the lead tainted toys and goods that make dumb Wal-Mart shopper's kids drool and go numb (which might be a blessing in disguise now that Im thinking about it), their treatment of Tibet and the constant hating on the Dali Lama, and oh yeah Communism, they are deciding instead to only ban one thing about themselves temporarily...

Dog meat. 

Yeah thats right, and you were thinking about getting some tasty Fido on your Olympic gorge- fest, sorry no can do, apparently the Chinese government is slightly embarrassed of their penchance for chowing down mans best friend, and they are taking it off their menu's this summer. 

No Dog for YOU, HERE!

Newer Alternative to Gasoline?

This was sent in by an Artistocracy contributor Ricardo Zafra (expect some of his beer expertise to appear very soon on this here blog)...The article is about the possibility of the U.S. reducing it's dependency on foreign oil by processing coal into oil. We would have enough supplies to last us 200 plus years, which would give us ample time to develop a worldwide alternative energy that doesnt rely on our poor pillaged earth. Plus, it would give us a chance to gain back some of that precious American virtuosity that we love so much. 

However, I only see us giving this any real consideration if a non-I-get-rich-bitch-off-my-Saudi-friends leader is at the reins. 

Take a gander by clicking HERE

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And Then The City's Skylines Fill with Balloons

Czech out these sweet little babies. Boeing has pledged to build the worlds largest helicopter, and hey it might even be a tad better for the environment. 

My only fear is if our earths helium supply is dwindling, how many lawyer's exhalations will it take to fill up one of these?

Music This Week

We here (in "we" meaning "I") really enjoy music. It makes us really happy, and driving amongst you crazy folk tolerable. This week Albert Hammond Jr.'s second album called "Como Te Llama" was released. Albert is the rhythm guitarist for one of my top acts, The Strokes, and his side project is just as great. His first album was a must have last year, and I assume he wont disappoint this time around. Go see him this friday at Spaceland, I caught his set two valentines days ago and it was fab. He covers a great guided by voices song called postal blowfish, that my cousin and I happen to cover quiet impressively. 

FYI Beck's newest album has also dropped. Its produced by Danger Mouse, who did an amazing job with the Black Keys latest effort. 

So go ahead buy some vinyl's and enjoy this weeks finest sonic treats. 

Who Pissed in Their Depends Today?

Well ol' carny hands is in real fine form here. Here is an article about John McCain finding the killing of Iranians amusing. So many list his bravery as his most admirable quality, but I think its his tendency to be an asshole that makes him so huggable. 

This is the kinda class we need as our leader. Another world image booster, courtesy of the habitual senile right. 

Read Here.

You Know It's Bad When Writers Scale Buildings To Promote Their Books

Last week my girlfriend and I caught BBC's documentary on the French Spiderman and were mightily impressed with his "look ma no safety gear" approach to climbing the worlds skyscrapers. But when I heard that two more people have climbed the NYT building since the Parisian Spider did, I was even more impressed. Sure people are labeling them as copycats, but they are neglecting to remember that this takes a little more than typical testicular fortitude.

Anyways, here's the latest climbers story along with his risky marketing strategy for a book he has authored. Read It.

Emerging nations wont commit to pledge until US cuts pollution output

I promise not to constantly post political oriented jargon, but I found this interesting. At summits like these its all about sniffing the throne of the rich countries in attempts for some table scraps, but the 5 poorest countries this time took a stand and demanded not to pledge. Good firm stance I say, and another sign that America's virtuous image is on its continuing avalanche slide. READ IT HERE.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Speaking of progressives, you can thank us hipsters for making bikes cool again...okay, and the 5-dollar-a-drop gas too..

As i sit on the 57, the 91, the 60, or the 101 in that typical excruciating l.a. crawl, the chorus from Bob Dylan's "Idiot Wind" starts echoing in my head. I feel like one large dunce for being in this parking lot of road rage freaks, charged off lattes and not being able to clutch their never-ending vibrating cell phones. 
I hate gas, and hell I have a hybrid. This experiment of allowing primates to run our human species has gone on long enough, and if the blood wasn't enough to get you pissed, I'm sure that crude oil might start clogging your arteries soon enough, slowly closing the capillaries, until you hunch over in a painful gas-priced induced migraine. 
This administration's jokes have worn me weary, and in these times of reversed animal testing, where we are subjected to new foreign policies, taxes, costs, and wars, I am really waiting for the day that old George retired to his fecal farm.
What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, bikes. They are sweet. End of story(well only if you choose not to click this story from the LA Times).

Ron English's Obama-Lincoln poster for sale for $20

So let the cynics say what they want. I've seen people quoting racist Lincoln remarks here and there, but personally, I believe that actions speak louder than words. And considering we now have an African-American nominee, I would say that even if honest Abe did make the occasional "Imus" mistake once in awhile, he is one of the most progressive human beings whose impact couldn't be as apparent then, as it is now. For evidence of that impact look no further than our man "B"-Rock....

Which leads me to this Obama-Lincoln  poster, which has been pissing off McCain dwarf brains and civil rights refusers since it started appearing around the net last month.

It's by Ron English, an artist I've enjoyed since I first saw his work displayed throughout Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me" documentary. His art is always fun to look at, and pokes at the things that we hold dearly as Americans--you know, fast food joints. He's got loads of other great work, and his latest is just another testament to that statement. 

Czech it out and purchase it here 

Monday, June 30, 2008

Howdy, Its the first post

this blog will be dedicated to all things art/political/and off-beat. It will feature exclusive content, editorials, art and hell we might even choose to sell some unique things here and there. 
Please feel free to bookmark this, and czech back when we get things rolling.