Thursday, September 25, 2008

One big ass fumigation job

So, S.Palin may not have much international experience, but she sure is training on being able exterminate the world's creatures. A requirement in every republican administration, apparently.

The Governor is involved in a campaign to exterminate a rat infested island off of Alaska with Dog-food sized poison and a crew of 18 of the most intelligent exterminators Alaska has to offer.

In an official document from the Governor's office, one of our favorite blogs,, pointed out the greatest portion of the document

When reading I remind you to remember these are rats she's talking about, not Iranians, North Koreans, or Gays.

"Rats are highly effective as invaders: They are secretive, intelligent, and reproduce at very high rates. They are also ravenous predators that eat the young, eggs, and sometimes adults of birds and other small animals. Well known as carriers of serious diseases in humans, rats are also responsible for diseases that can adversely affect wildlife and, potentially consumers of those wilflife species."

After this it's pretty hard not to be for the Palin/Johnny McCain Administration :)

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