Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ron English's Obama-Lincoln poster for sale for $20

So let the cynics say what they want. I've seen people quoting racist Lincoln remarks here and there, but personally, I believe that actions speak louder than words. And considering we now have an African-American nominee, I would say that even if honest Abe did make the occasional "Imus" mistake once in awhile, he is one of the most progressive human beings whose impact couldn't be as apparent then, as it is now. For evidence of that impact look no further than our man "B"-Rock....

Which leads me to this Obama-Lincoln  poster, which has been pissing off McCain dwarf brains and civil rights refusers since it started appearing around the net last month.

It's by Ron English, an artist I've enjoyed since I first saw his work displayed throughout Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me" documentary. His art is always fun to look at, and pokes at the things that we hold dearly as Americans--you know, fast food joints. He's got loads of other great work, and his latest is just another testament to that statement. 

Czech it out and purchase it here 

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