Keeping up with the summer theme I chose to review fruit flavored brew. Despite all those horrible Miller Lite ads. don’t worry, fruiting your beer is quite fine... besides it’s the only decent thing that comes out of that horrible brewery is MGD.
First brew on the list is Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat. At first sniff this Samuel brew had a very robust aroma. It definitely smelt of cherries. This cherry wheat has a clear golden color and is very carbonated. The first couple sips were reminiscent of a cran-apple cider at thanksgiving... which can be good if you’re a wanker or a woman looking for something to drink. Me and my best mate tried to savor and enjoy this brew but after a while it started to taste of cough medicine and quite frankly it made us somewhat nauseous. It is a fine beer if you plan on drinking one a night... ice cold... but at about $8 a six pack I suggest to pass on this one.
Second brew on the list is Sea Dogs very own Blue Paw Blueberry Wheat Ale. Out of the gate Sea Dog has got everything right. A nice golden color highlighted this brew. You could smell the blueberries as if you were walking through a blueberry patch. First sip of this brew had me thinking that the good people at Sea Dog Brewery packed a midget into every bottle with a blueberry flavored boxing glove to greet you once had your first taste with a good old punch to the teeth. The taste was definitely robust but in a good way. Anyone with proper taste buds could drink this all night. This brew is priced around $9 dollars a six pack but trust me it’s all worth it.
Final brew on my list for the night was Pyramids Apricot Ale. Now this was a true ale. It was the only one of the bunch that was cloudy... because of the yeast of course and it is unfiltered! It had a pleasant aroma. If you were to eat a piece of dried apricot and drink this fine ale you would not be able to tell which was which... well except for the fact that one is solid and the other is liquid. This ale is medium bodied and extremely easy to drink. It can be found reasonably priced from $6 to $8 a six-pack. Be on a look out for twelve packs on sale for $9. It’s a steal.
That is this week with some more brew that fits the season perfectly. As always... don’t be afraid to spend a little cash to drink a good brew and if you don’t like it, well at least you tried something different. Life’s a gas and you might as well enjoy it.
Cheers mates. Be on the look out for budget week.
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