Friday, December 4, 2009

The Q's Q&A with Parks and Recreation's Nick Offerman

Time Warner Cable is the most incompetent company I have had the displeasure of dealing with. Their ancient technology seemingly gets worse monthly, and I am constantly returning broken pieces of plastic to their drab storefront which could easily double as a holding cell.

It's nonsensical to spend thousands of dollars on high-def televisions, when you have to pair it with a product that even North Korea or Mexico wouldn't take credit for.

The nature of this post is, I hate Time Warner and stopped intently watching TV until I discovered Parks and Recreation on NBC. The show has picked up steam, and is the highlight of a week filled with reality scum and junkies. GQ's clever blog, The Q, sat down with P&R's Nick Offerman where he gives insight into how he mastered the art of the deadpan amongst revealing a love for carpentry.

Read it here.

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