Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Google Streeview Art

Like art, technology is progress, especially Google's offerings. Artist Jon Rafma melds the two together with a new series based on the oddities one finds while using google streetview-most of it being nude sunbathers. I'm not as fortunate as Jon, when using google streetview I've only discovered my girlfriend's ex's car parked in front of her house. Maybe I should search the beaches of Málaga instead. Either way, like Richard Kern, Jon is making a unique statement on our voyeurism culture as well as the state of our privacy.

Ed Begley Jr. on NYTVideo

Ed Begley Jr. talks about living green. I bought his book, Living Like Ed, last year, which included tips & suggestions that just ended up making me feel guilty as hell.

watch the video here.

Aziz and Sitek

What happens when YYY's producer and TV on the radio guitarist Dave Sitek joins forces with Parks & Recreation's Aziz Ansari? A hip-hop record that promises to nut of your pillow of course.

Along with the next Arcade Fire record, Beach House, Fleet Foxes, The Strokes and others coming out with records in what will be a productive 2010, I will also be purchasing(torrenting) this mixtape, fo sho.

You can follow Aziz on his Tumblr.

Obama E better than Obama Kush?

You choose.Rock the VOTE.

Story behind the ObamaE at VBS Blog.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Politically Incorrect Branding

Was your hair with this.

Blackbird-A.P.C. Winter 10

BLACKBIRD is a men's clothing spot in Seattle, WA that happens to have a very entertaining blog. They stock everything from every writer's favorite accessory, the Moleskin notebook, to tuna gift sets for all. Their latest post announces the arrival of French designer,A.P.C.'s, winter line.

Czech it.

The Band, 1970, Woodstock Studios

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dinosaur Jr.'s Jay Mascis Drums for Sweet Apple

Following in Jack White's footsteps, Dinosaur Jr.'s Jay Mascis is taking a break from years of groundbreaking guitar work by getting behind his first musical apparatus, the drums. Mascis will be drumming for Sweet Apple, with an album coming in March.

from Pitchfork.com

The Q's Q&A with Parks and Recreation's Nick Offerman

Time Warner Cable is the most incompetent company I have had the displeasure of dealing with. Their ancient technology seemingly gets worse monthly, and I am constantly returning broken pieces of plastic to their drab storefront which could easily double as a holding cell.

It's nonsensical to spend thousands of dollars on high-def televisions, when you have to pair it with a product that even North Korea or Mexico wouldn't take credit for.

The nature of this post is, I hate Time Warner and stopped intently watching TV until I discovered Parks and Recreation on NBC. The show has picked up steam, and is the highlight of a week filled with reality scum and junkies. GQ's clever blog, The Q, sat down with P&R's Nick Offerman where he gives insight into how he mastered the art of the deadpan amongst revealing a love for carpentry.

Read it here.

Lightspeed Champion releases "Marlene" video for his second LP

Two summers ago, in a very sweaty Pomona, California, I had the pleasure of co-producing a piece on Dev. He was more than gracious, giving us total access and even playing us a new demo at the time called "Marlene". Fast forward two years and Dev is releasing his second LP on Domino, with "Marlene" being the first single from the album. Life is Sweet! Nice to Meet You, comes out on 2/1. Below are both his new video and my aforementioned interview.


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