Monday, September 29, 2008

New Chrysler side company introduces the Peapod

A company called GEM, which was founded by Chrysler in 1999, debuted an Electric car called the Peapod recently. The zero-emissions vehicle will be put into production next year and will come complete with ergonomic seating and I-pod integration. 

The car will have a 30 mile range per charge, with a top speed of 25 miles per hour. Recharge time is 6-8 hours. 

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. 

Airport Security Fun!

We all know that going through Airport security(especially the intellectually inept one at LAX, that seemingly only hires screaming jerks that find speaking at the decibel level of a Who concert normal) is a tad frustrating.

That's why artist Evan Roth is currently creating pieces, that when placed in carry-on luggage and scanned, give the guards a change from the normal vibrator/whip and chain set that's normally seen in most Republican Senator's baggage.

Truth Be Told At The Pump

This is right up our alley, a little political protest through truth.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ksubi designers mix into the music world

Artistocracy Contributor, Jennifer Caddick, wrote this fine piece for BigShotMagazine on the men of Ksubi, and their entrance into the music scene.

Convergence is taking over son.

Read it here

One big ass fumigation job

So, S.Palin may not have much international experience, but she sure is training on being able exterminate the world's creatures. A requirement in every republican administration, apparently.

The Governor is involved in a campaign to exterminate a rat infested island off of Alaska with Dog-food sized poison and a crew of 18 of the most intelligent exterminators Alaska has to offer.

In an official document from the Governor's office, one of our favorite blogs,, pointed out the greatest portion of the document

When reading I remind you to remember these are rats she's talking about, not Iranians, North Koreans, or Gays.

"Rats are highly effective as invaders: They are secretive, intelligent, and reproduce at very high rates. They are also ravenous predators that eat the young, eggs, and sometimes adults of birds and other small animals. Well known as carriers of serious diseases in humans, rats are also responsible for diseases that can adversely affect wildlife and, potentially consumers of those wilflife species."

After this it's pretty hard not to be for the Palin/Johnny McCain Administration :)

Yo-Yo Charger for 3G I-Phone

Here we got a neat little gadget. A Yo-Yo that charges your I-phone with just 30 spins.

Check the video.

Treasure Island By 2020

A former Navy Base transformed into earth-friendly island, consisting of homes and businesses that recieves 50% of their energy from renewable sources.

The island is located in the San Francisco Bay(Of Course), and will be completed by 2020.

Read Here for more.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Watching the lawn cut itself is now possible

I imagine many people have parents who've said "go cut that lawn, it aint gunna cut itself"(fortunately my Father always felt lawn maintenance was a job opportunity for someone so I never had to)...But now generation fat camp can say "Screw you guys, I bought this thing on the internets, from some far off land(South Korea), from some website thingy that you'll never be able to filter"...

--Cut To: shot of parent turning head and seeing the lawn cut to perfection, child eyes glazed over playing spore...

Tub Spins into a Shower

My girlfriend and I stayed in the Palms Place Tower last month and it was modernly decadent.

Only thing that could've made it better would've been this.

Bathe and then spin to wash off all the dirt soup you've pruned up in.

Another Reason Why This Man Should Be Our President

Because, he's clued in with pop culture so much that he agrees to be photographed with(not just by) Terry Richardson.

I know Terry shoots everyone for big cash mags, but seriously it's hard to imagine McCain even being in the same elevator as Terry, let alone being shot by him. I mean this is the same guy who takes the occasionaly menstrual pic now and then.

Cheers Obeezy

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ever wonder how one could make a bike out of yarn?

This site is my newest, obsession,
They teach you how to do everything from making your own USB drive to consumer reviews on electronics. Its for the inner geek in us all.


Oh, The Spanish Moss Plays the Derby and Becomes The Artistocracy's Favorite Band

Oh, The Spanish Moss, filled The Derby's VIP Room to near capacity last week as the Californian-based rock band ran through their set with much fervor. They were everything one expects at a rock concert, but infrequently receives. They take from their Los Angeles neighbor's, No Age's, foundation of having their drummer take lead singer responsibilities, but for what No Age lacks in skillfulness, Oh, The Spanish Moss makes up for, and actually surprises, with raw loud songs and sing along melodies. Their "Till All Hours" takes from the Raconteurs' recipe of success, while their "Favors Are Simple" starts off gently before crashing into a soulful ditty that's as much McCartney's Ram as it is Cold War Kids. Oh, The Spanish Moss also knocked out the Derby crowd with their ear-piercing "Coal Black Lungs", which clearly ranks Lead Guitarist Ian Caddick up with the newest crop of young guitarists who can take it to the next level. I saw a band who I know I'll see again(and enjoy it immensely).

I am Back!

Sorry for the communicado breakdown, but after a month I am back with a week filled with free music, political blunders and the occasional artistic betterment.