Saturday, October 4, 2008

Riviting Reads: With McCain's Health in Question, is Palin Eyeing for the Top Spot, and How Desperate Will She Get in Hopes Of Getting It?

I have often questioned McCain's health and the fact that the topic is constantly swept under the mat and filed under "irrelevant". Here is a great opinion piece, by the NYT's Frank Rich, about McCain's well-being, and whether or not his running mate is indeed vying for the top spot.

Palin's desire to become the country's lead heroine is clear, from beauty pageant ambitions in the 80s, to the accidental verbal slip-up of declaring this as the Palin/McCain administration last month, instant celebrity with little toil is obviously her preferred method.

In the coming weeks I'm interested in seeing how desperate and venomous the attacks will become, and after seeing today's headline of "Palin connects Obama to 60's terrorist radical", I guess I wont have to wait very long. Converse.
(Image from

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Designer Thomas Feichtner's Filio Ring

Feichtner's ring is hollow and made out of steel. It resembles a geometrically cut gemstone. This blog is getting really design-oriented lately. I promise more politics and all around crazy republicaness this weekend.

Oh, The Spanish Moss interviewed in the OC WEEKLY

Artistocracy contributor Tom Madden and his bandmates Ian Caddick and Jason Tennies were interviewed by The OC Weekly this week. 

It was a cheeky time, chalk full of some belly laughers. 

Give it a go by clicking here.

and download there ep off their myspace page.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Night Vision 2.0

When I was 18 I worked like a slave in my ex-girlfriend's father's hellish warehouse. In the mundane month spent there, my job was to fold and box his bogus night vision goggles. Not only did I suffer numerous paper cuts, get food poisoning from the food truck while my ex-gf's Dad went out to lunch without an invite(way to show me the values of hard work douche), but I also had to listen to his annoying brat son (who appeared as Jared the cougar-loving twit on Housewives of the O.C.) spew never-ending nonsense.
Oh well, story short, the Dad was later arrested for beating his wife after his affair with S.F. Giant's pitcher, Barry Zito, sister was exposed. His son also recieved two D.U.I.'s that summer and was rewarded with a Desert Eagle Handgun for his 21st birthday.

Gotta love republicans!

Oh, I almost forgot--these are called the Cyclops and they are pretty insane.

Handsome Furs on Practice Space

It's old but cool. Canada's best electronic/rock band. enjoy.